Weekly update

Posted on Jul 24, 2023


See you at noon @ the Pad
Thank you JR for Running the Popcorn Wagon Sunday please signup for remaining dates to fund those scholarships.
Weekly update 2023-07-24 05:00:00Z 0
Shawano Rotary Says Goodbye to its 2020 Exchange Students Aaron Wallrich 2020-07-24 05:00:00Z 0 inbound,youth exchange
Shawano Rotary Delivers 2020 Scholarships Aaron Wallrich 2020-07-11 05:00:00Z 0 scholarships
Shawano Rotary Club hosts Clintonville club and Our District Governor Aaron Wallrich 2019-10-02 05:00:00Z 0 district
Together We Achieve More 2019-08-21 05:00:00Z 0
Our Grant is building bridges Aaron Wallrich 2019-08-01 05:00:00Z 0 Grants

India celebrates three years without polio

Throughout India and around the world, Rotary clubs are celebrating a major milestone: India has gone three years without a new case of polio. The last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal on 13 January 2011. To mark this historic triumph, Rotary clubs illuminated landmarks and iconic structures throughout the country with four simple but powerful words, "India is polio free."
The three-year achievement sets the stage for polio-free certification of the entire Southeast Asia region by the World Health Organization. The Indian government also plans to convene a polio summit in February to commemorate this victory in the global effort to eradicate polio.
India celebrates three years without polio 2014-02-26 00:00:00Z 0